Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Good Things: Cherry Salsa & Interrupted

Jen Hatmaker just liked my comment on one of her Facebook posts. I nearly cried and keep clicking on the little "thumbs up" because I just wanted to see her name appear. I may or may not have the slightest case of Christian shero mumble-mouth because I have so much love for Jen. Y'all. Like I really think sometimes she's my big sister and forget I don't have her on speed dial. Is speed dial a thing anymore?

I was invited to be a part of her (re) launch team for her book Interrupted so Ima jump over here and tell you the highlights and share a recipe because Jen loves food and cooking. Did I mention that I almost tried to find her newly renovated farm house in south Austin when we were there in July? Oh, Jen, please don't get a restraining order. 

Interrupted tells the beautiful story of how Jesus wrecked the lives of a couple (who happen to be pastor/pastor-wife) as He called them into a new way of living. It's not the kind of living she addresses in "7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" where you want to donate all your clothes, stop wearing makeup, and send the massive piles of untouched toys and ever-loving, never-ending piles of loom bands to the curb and paint the walls white to remind you of simplicity and nothing other than...nothing. No, this was not that book.

Jen starts by sharing her healthy discontent with Christian living and a good measure of "deconstruction" and finds that God rebuilds His idea of church and mission/al in her heart. She talks about people finding God because they "already live at the bottom, in Jesus' zip code." Brandon, her cool husband, jumps in every few chapters because you can tell she needs his level headedness to balance her crazy passion. I'm sorry, Jen, is that too personal? I love you. Side note: his contribution was one of my favorite parts because we need more stories where God is moving in both the husband and the wife, and not just the wife. 

I recommend this book and think you should take the time to read it. Maybe wait until the kids start school in a couple weeks, find your still-warm cup of coffee, and read a couple chapters at a time. Digest it. Take a pause at the end of each chapter to wrestle through her experience and how you can learn from it. Let God do a work in you...because He wants to do a work through you. 

My favorite quote:

**Briefly, I would mention that her words excite me because I'm a part of a church that values this way of thinking. I have a feeling, however, that a good portion of her readers aren't in a thriving, missional church so I think it should be said that this isn't an invitation to leave your church. You can do the stuff she mentions with a friend or two, with your family, and don't have to mail your pastor a copy of the book. 

I have a crispy copy of Interrupted that I would love to give to one of you. All you have to do is share this post on your Facebook wall and then leave a comment below. I will pick a random winner in one week (deadline is Wednesday, August 13th at midnight CST) and mail the book to you!

Jen has been kind enough to extend a discount to anyone who wants to order a book. Click here and you'll automatically get a 20% off (discount already applied) until August 10th.

Finally, CHERRY SALSA. That's all. Link to recipe here. I did not add the chile but it would have been the perfect kick for those who like the spice. I love the spice but my children are bipolar when it comes to seasoning so we walked the safe path with this one. All things good were in this bowl and I'm resisting the temptation to call it Cherry Limeade Salsa. So good.