1. Spontaneity. Yesterday morning I saw an advertisement for the premier of American Idol. Thought it would make a great excuse for a date night. Pick your favorite show to watch together or a new movie release and you have a theme for the night. (Movies are just $1 at your local Redbox for a 24-hour rental. TV shows are free.) I hadn't even thought about doing this until 10am so you can do it anytime.
2. I initiated. I sent my hubby a free Evite.com invitation that matched the theme of American Idol. Found a red carpet invite and sent it to him...saying things like "join me on the red carpet," and started with clue #1: "I" must have you as my date tonight. The "I" refers to Idol...You could use the following to jump start your idea:
Grey's Anatomy: My skies will be gray without you, use medical references and play a game during commercials (Operation), drop the word "seriously" as often as you can all day.
Lost: use an island theme or dazed/confused theme, create a maze on paper and give it to him in the morning before he leaves for work.
(Email me if you're having a hard time with a show or movie theme and I'll help you out!)
3. Planned ahead with kids. I made sure Colby took an early nap and Zoe just played in her room instead of sleeping so they'd be extra tired and able to go down a little early. If you don't already have your kids going to bed at 8:00pm or earlier, I'd highly recommend it...for the sake of your marriage.
4. Little, inexpensive options for the date night. The judges always have huge red cups on the table so I picked some up from Wal-Mart ($1.50 for 4 tumblers) and some coke. I got a mini-cheesecake for those "cheesy contestants."
4. Clues throughout the day. Clue #2: I sent Brad an email with a poem I'd written about him picking something up on his way home from work. (In this case, a bottle of rum because he loves strawberry daquiries.) Clue #3: Sent him a text message using the phrase "try-outs" in keeping with tonight's show.
Dad, if you're reading this, please stop.
5. Planned on sex. Yep, I said it. The flirtation throughout the day made me anticipate being with Brad and excited about a night together. I had to get my mind and emotions in the game all day long and it blesses him when I'm intentional. (BTW, if you can, find or make a sexy costume in keeping with your theme.)
I had a blast with this. My budget was limited and the last minute forced some resourcing but we had a great time!
I'll have Brad write on here about how he felt about the whole thing.
If you do something similar, post what you did on my comments and share any more ideas you have. Let's help each other be the best wives ever! Happy Planning, ladies!!
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